Yet, a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. John 4:23, 24
Now - nyn - in the present moment, in the presence of
This is Jesus' lesson for the woman at the well. She and her culture had misplaced their object of worship to a place and not a person. Do we do the same? Do we cause our object of worship to be a place, like our church, or even something that might seem worship-center, like in nature? Jesus' lesson is that worship takes place in the heart and in relationship with God.
How do we translate Jesus' statement to ourselves? Does only the moment matter? Does only our focus matter? I want to see NOW as the moment where I understand/plug into the full weight of glory, full of meaning and full of gratitude for having the presence (Spirit of God) with me now.
I want to find ways to be aware of God NOW - in traffic, in front of my computer, cooking at the stove, in exercise. I want to capture that essence in the here and now! The world may careen down its path to some end. I want to bask in the sense of God's presence now and take in the experience of now.
Can I mentally sit still?
Can I take it in?
Can I love it and bask in it?
My head is ringing. The list for today is long. Someone wants to eat. How can my spirit find the "space" for my soul to connect with the Spirit and her true nature that is calling me towards the Triune God in every situation?
In heaven will there be no passage of time? Will only the moment matter? I am going to seek to make this moment be filled with the weight of glory and full of meaning, mostly because it means so much to God.
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