wait - qava - expectantly look for, linger
hope -telehet - hope; by implication, to be patient, trust and tarry
[We are nothing by a breath...a mere shadow...for all the turmoil...all the pursuit of gain....] O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you. Psalm 39: 7 (6-11)
Life carries no meaning apart from the Lord. All the pursuits, all the messaging, all is vainglory, in King James' language, just a shadow of greater things from the Lord. Nothing satisfies independent from God. Yet, within life's meaning, can we, with an expectant eye, look for God? Any meaning for living only happens when we see, when we look for the presence of God within all of life's efforts. Can we tarry long enough, stop and smell the roses? Can we be patient as we wait for the revelation of God?
Hope may not be a sudden clarification, but a gradual expansion of our view of the Triune God. Can we let Him be greater than anything this earth provides? Can we let Him be closer to us than any expectation we have that comes from our culture? No matter the noise around us, pursue the presence of God within the activity and within our own beings.
Lord, help me to open my eyes to your everyday presence, your intent and power to make it so in the world, in others and in me. Amen.