Hallelu yah! (Praise Yahweh)
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him beneath the massive sky!
Praise him for his acts of power:
praise for his greatness - in its multitude, abundance and excellence!
Praise him with the blast of trumpets
and clashing cymbals!
Praise him with your whole body -
dancing and singing!
Everyone, everywhere, every creature with breath
(and every animal, too)
praise the Lord!
Hallelu yah!
Psalm 150
This is my favorite psalm...and it makes me think that I don't praise very well in church worship. These actions describe how I act at football games and concerts, so I know how to praise! We were made to praise!
What has caused us to eliminate praise from worshiping God?
I looked up all the words translated for "praise" in the Old Testament. They describe what our praise should look like:
rum - extol and exalt - raise up above all others.
barak - bless - kneel before, congratulate; thank
halal - praise - shine a light on; clearly reveal and make known
gush - celebrate - pour out; belch out
sabah - praise - stroke, address in a loud tone
sapar - proclaim/tell - recount; rehearse; keep a record
naba - eagerly utter
ranan - shout joyfully - cry out; ring out; sing out
t'hilla - praise - a song of adoration; especially a song of public praise
I like old hymns and some modern praise and worship songs, but very few of them do the kind of praise we are called to do before the Lord. I am ashamed to say my greatest practice of praise has been in support of my alma mater's football team. I love when the ENTIRE crowd sings the fight song, then the football team joins in and sings the alma mater. The fight song is sung raucously! The alma mater is sung almost spiritually. One calls us to the battle; one calls us together.
What would be our Christian, God-raising fight song? Definitely think trumpets and cymbals! Actually, songs we sang as children rise to my mind: I'm in the Lord's Army! Father Abraham! I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my Heart! These are enthusiastic! We would have hand motions; we would march and sing loud!
Then the ones that call us together. Of course, Jesus Loves Me. The B-I-B-L-E. I've got Peace like a River...these draw us in.
As adults, I think we need to be more deliberate in our praising. Sorry, choir leaders and worship leaders, sometimes we drone on in long-winded, low-affect, not-God-focused songs. I personally feel a revamp on my praising.
What about a crowd chant. One side of the pews do one part; the other side responds. I've actually done that in church (and the football stadium).
Hallelu yah!